Scientific publications of Miguel I. B. (see them in: arXiv,
scholar, Publons, ResearchGate, Scopus, ORCID)
Submitted articles:
Separable cognitive and motor decline tracked across adult life-span for goal-directed navigation
Gian Luca LAncia, Marco D'Alessandro, Mattia Eluchans, Miguel Ibanez-Berganza, Hugo J Spiers, Giovanni Pezzulo
BioRXiv, (2024).
Partial Correlation as a Tool for Mapping Functional-Structural Correspondence in Human Brain Connectivity
Francesca Santucci, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Andrea Gabrielli, Paolo Bonifazi, Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Tommaso Gili, Jesus M Cortes
BioRXiv, (2024).
Information-theoretical analysis of the neural code for decoupled face representation
Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Carlo Lucibello, Luca Mariani, Giovanni Pezzulo
PLoS ONE 19(1): e0295054 (2024).
Noise cleaning the precision matrix of short time series
Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Carlo Lucibello, Francesca Santucci, Tommaso Gili, and Andrea Gabrielli
Phys. Rev. E 108, 024313 (2023). arXiv.2302.02951
Unsupervised inference approach to facial attractiveness
Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Gian Luca Lancia, Federico Maggiore, Ambra Amico, Bernardo Monechi, Vittorio Loreto
PeerJ 8:e10210 (2020). arxiv:1910.14072
Hamiltonian Modeling of Macro-Economic Urban Dynamics
Bernardo Monechi, Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, and Vittorio Loreto
Royal Society Open Science 7:200667 (2020). arxiv:2001.05725
Analysis of the low-temperature phase in the two-dimensional long-range diluted XY model
Fabiana Cescatti, Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Alessandro Vezzani, Raffaella Burioni
Physical Review B, 100, 054203 (2019). arXiv:1905.06688
Subjectivity and complexity of facial attractiveness
Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Ambra Amico, Vittorio Loreto
Scientific Reports 9, 8364 (2019). arXiv:1903.07526
Chaos and correlated avalanches in excitatory neural networks with synaptic plasticity
Fabrizio Pittorino, Miguel Ibáñez-Berganza, Matteo di Volo, Alessandro Vezzani, Raffaella Burioni
Physical Review Letters, 118, 098102 (2017). arXiv:1610.00252
Fourier-space entanglement of spin chains
M Ibáñez-Berganza, J Rodríguez-Laguna, G Sierra
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 053112 (2016). arXiv:1602.04224
Phenomenological theory of the Potts model evaporation-condensation transition
M Ibáñez-Berganza
Europhysics Letters, 113 26002 (2016). arXiv:1511.04609
Statistical mechanics models for multimode lasers and random lasers
F Antenucci, A Crisanti, M Ibáñez Berganza, A Marruzzo, L Leuzzi
Philosophical Magazine, 96, 7-9 (2016). arXiv:1509.06955
Statistical physics of nonlinear wave interaction
Fabrizio Antenucci, Miguel Ibáñez Berganza, Luca Leuzzi
Physical Review B 92, 014204 (2015). arXiv:1412.8610
Inference for interacting linear waves in ordered and random media
P. Tyagi, A. Pagnani, F. Antenucci, M. Ibáñez Berganza, L. Leuzzi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics P05031 (2015). arXiv:1502.00085
Statistical physical theory of mode-locking laser generation with a frequency comb
F. Antenucci, M. Ibañez Berganza, L. Leuzzi
Physical Review A 91, 043811 (2015). arXiv:1409.6345
Anomalous metastability in a temperature-driven transition
M. Ibáñez Berganza, P. Coletti, A. Petri
Europhysics Letters 106 56001 (2014). arXiv:1403.4832
Dynamic metastability in the two-dimensional Potts ferromagnet
M. Ibáñez Berganza, A. Petri, P. Coletti
Physical Review E, 89, 052115 (2014). arXiv:0706.3534
Energy space entanglement spectrum of pairing models with s-wave and p-wave symmetry
Javier Rodríguez-Laguna, Miguel Ibáñez Berganza, Germán Sierra
Physical Review B 90 041103(R) (2014). arXiv:1307.8363
Critical behavior of the XY model in complex topologies
Miguel Ibáñez Berganza, Luca Leuzzi
Physical Review B 88 144104 (2013). arXiv:1211.3991
"Qubism": self-similar visualization of many-body wavefunctions
Javier Rodriguez-Laguna , Piotr Migdal, Maciej Lewenstein, Miguel Ibáñez Berganza, Germán Sierra
New Journal of Physics 14 053028 (2012). arXiv:1112.3560
Entanglement of excited states in critical spin chains
Miguel Ibáñez Berganza, Francisco Alcaraz, Germán Sierra
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P01016 (2012). arXiv:1109.5673
Entanglement of low-energy excitations in conformal field theory
Francisco Alcaraz, Miguel Ibáñez Berganza, German Sierra
Physical Review Letters, 106, 201601 (2011).
Exact solution of the p+ip pairing Hamiltonian and a hierarchy of integrable models
Clare Dunning, Miguel Ibáñez, Jon Links, German Sierra
Journal of Statistical Mechanics P08025 (2010). arXiv:1001.1591
Exactly solvable pairing model for superconductors with p-wave symmetry
Miguel Ibáñez, Jon Links, German Sierra, Shao-You Zhao
Physical Review B 79, 180501 (2009). arXiv:0810.0340
Ordering dynamics in the presence of multiple phases
A. Petri, M. Ibáñez Berganza, V. Loreto,
Philosophical Magazine 88, 3931 (2008). arXiv:0810.2496
Phase separation of the Potts model on the square lattice
M. Ibáñez Berganza, E. E. Ferrero, S. A. Cannas, V. Loreto, A. Petri V. Loreto, A. Petri
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 143 273 (2007). cond-mat/0610039
Phase ordering and symmetries of the Potts model
M. Ibáñez Berganza, V. Loreto, A. Petri
Philosophical Magazine 87 779 (2007). cond-mat/0606282
Other publications:
Exactly solvable Models in Low-dimensional Many-body Physics
Miguel Ibáñez Berganza,
Ph. D. Thesis, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (2011)